Me & Lee
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

Me & Lee

Judyth Baker is a liar or Oswald did not act alone in the assassination of Kennedy. She gives day-by-day photographic memory style resuscitations of time spent with Oswald. To her, not only was Oswald a spy, he was a spy that told her everything.

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On the Trail of the Assassins
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

On the Trail of the Assassins

This book was on my grandmother’s nightstand for years. It was my introduction to the JFK assassination. It’s been revered. It’s been lambasted. It is the cornerstone of Oliver Stone’s movie JFK and of his documentary, JFK REVISITED: THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS.

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Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb


Will we ever know the truth about the Kennedy assassination? In Crossfire, Jim Marrs demonstrates that the facts are all there-they just need to be pieced together.

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Dr. Mary’s Monkey
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

Dr. Mary’s Monkey

It’s funny how the long subtitle of this book starts to look more and more prescient every day.

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