The Big Easy
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

The Big Easy

This is a film to listen to as well as watch. Dennis Quaid and Ellen Barkin enter so effortlessly into the cadences of Louisiana that the sound track provides an uncanny sense of place. Quaid plays a vice cop who is not above participating in the department's illegal "widows and orphans" fund. Barkin is a local prosecutor. They become friends, survive some scrapes together, fall in love--and then wind up on opposite sides of a case in court.

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Cat People
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

Cat People

"Cat People" is a good movie in an old tradition, a fantasy-horror film that takes itself just seriously enough to work, has just enough fun to be entertaining, contains elements of intrinsic fascination in its magnificent black leopards, and ends in one way just when we were afraid it was going to end in another.

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Blue Monday
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

Blue Monday

This book looks at Domino’s part in the birth of rock and roll while also looking at the music scene in New Orleans. Fats, along with Dave Bartholomew, were true rock pioneers.

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A Man Called Destruction
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

A Man Called Destruction

Alex Chilton is often cited by musicians as an influence but he only grazed commercial success himself.

This book, which takes its name from a 1995 album by Chilton, serves not only as a biography but it also chronicles pop music’s evolution from the mid-60s through today.

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Lestat Returns
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

Lestat Returns

Tonight on AMC, you know, the channel you haven’t watched since Breaking Bad, the new series Interview With the Vampire premieres.

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Me & Lee
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

Me & Lee

Judyth Baker is a liar or Oswald did not act alone in the assassination of Kennedy. She gives day-by-day photographic memory style resuscitations of time spent with Oswald. To her, not only was Oswald a spy, he was a spy that told her everything.

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On the Trail of the Assassins
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

On the Trail of the Assassins

This book was on my grandmother’s nightstand for years. It was my introduction to the JFK assassination. It’s been revered. It’s been lambasted. It is the cornerstone of Oliver Stone’s movie JFK and of his documentary, JFK REVISITED: THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS.

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Lives of the Mayfair Witches
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

Lives of the Mayfair Witches

Lives of the Mayfair Witches is a trilogy of supernatural horror/fantasy novels by American novelist Anne Rice. It centers on a family of witches whose fortunes have been guided for generations by a spirit named Lasher.

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Dr. Mary’s Monkey
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

Dr. Mary’s Monkey

It’s funny how the long subtitle of this book starts to look more and more prescient every day.

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The Great New Orleans Kidnapping Case
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

The Great New Orleans Kidnapping Case

In June 1870, the residents of the city of New Orleans were already on edge when two African American women kidnapped seventeen-month-old Mollie Digby from in front of her New Orleans home. It was the height of Radical Reconstruction, and the old racial order had been turned upside down: black men now voted, held office, sat on juries, and served as policemen. Nervous white residents, certain that the end of slavery and resulting “Africanization” of the city would bring chaos, pointed to the Digby abduction as proof that no white child was safe.

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