The Movie Misquote Game
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

The Movie Misquote Game

This is a party game that has players take quotes from different movies and mash them together. Think Cards Against Humanity, movie version.

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Story Time Chess: The Game
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

Story Time Chess: The Game

There’s a more natural way to learn chess for kids. Instead of moving from checkers to chess, it’s easier to make chess fun. Story Time Chess explains the ‘why’ of each chess piece move with a story for each one.

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How come they never talk about MY team?!
Kevin Kolb Kevin Kolb

How come they never talk about MY team?!

Good Morning Football on the NFL Network has 32 teams to cover but it always seems like they’re not talking about yours and they’re always talking about the team you hate the most.

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