Who Killed Hale Boggs?

Podcast Recommendation by Kevin Kolb

If you don’t know who Hale Boggs was, he’s worth a Google. Before you head off to do that, let me whet your appetite with this secret conversation between Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon that tell you how they feel about Boggs without mincing words.

Was he nuts, or did he verbally attack J. Edgar Hoover because Hoover dropped the ball when it came to investigating Kennedy’s assassination? Why did he sign off on The Warren Commission Report if he had doubts about the “lone nut” theory? Was Boggs a whistle blower who was about to shed light on a conspiracy to kill JFK? We don’t know because Boggs died in a plane crash and it has never been found.

Now that I have your attention, please check out this podcast that focuses on the mysteries concerning Hale Boggs. He may be the most noteworthy American politician you’ve never heard of.

Missing in Alaska” is a deep dive into the mysterious disappearance of Congressmen Hale Boggs and Nick Begich, whose plane vanished in Alaska in 1972. Despite the largest search in American history, no sign of the men ever surfaced. Officials blamed ice, and a nation consumed with Watergate and Vietnam quickly moved on. Two decades later, a murderer and bomber with mafia ties made a startling claim to the F.B.I.: The plane was bombed. Was he lying? Journalist Jon Walczak, who has investigated the case since 2011, travels from Arizona to the Arctic Circle trying to uncover the truth.”

Lindy and Hale Boggs with JFK, 17 days before JFK’s assassination

Hale Boggs plays a part in our Oswald’s Diary game that is played live on the streets of New Orleans. If you’d like to know when Oswald’s Diary is released, you can sign-up for a new release notification.


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